In Memoriam: Niels Donvil
Dear WDPA Members, It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of Niels Donvil, the eldest son of Karl Donvil, […]
Grzegorz Gebik, Poland
Our newsroom is open for everyone interested in Dog news. If you have any news to share don’t hesitate to contact us.
Dear WDPA Members, It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of Niels Donvil, the eldest son of Karl Donvil, […]
Belgium, September 7th 2024 Open Letter to Mr. Hari Arčon, President of the Slovenian Kennel Club Regarding Photography Regulations at the FCI European Dog Show […]
**FOR RELEASE AFTER APRIL 28th 2024** World Dog Press Association (WDPA) Announces Results of the Seventh Professional Dog Photo Competition April 28th, 2024 – The […]
The new board for the term 2024 until 2028 has been elected. Congratulations to the newly elected board. I’m looking forward to working with the […]
Report & Photos by: ProDog Photography February 8th until 11th, Budapest, Hungary Three CACIB shows organized by the Hungarian Kynologie Club, Specialty Show for Hungarian […]
WDPA Newsletter, Januari 2024. Dear friends, another year started and that means you are welcome to renew your membership. It was agreed by the board to […]
**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** World Dog Press Association (WDPA) Announces Results of the Sixth Professional Dog Photo Competition August 27, 2023 – The World Dog Press […]
Fun facts EDS: 350 breeds represented at the show, from 61 countries. Judges from all over the world. Number of entries: EDS: 11.100 Agria Winner […]
WDPA Newsletter February 14-2023. Dear friends, This is the latest information that I received from Denmark: Press cards: You can collect your EDS 2023 press […]
Report & Photos by: ProDog Photography April 1st and 2nd, Salzburg, Austria Double CACIB show organized by the Salzburger Kynologie Club with a total entry […]
Dear canine world, We are delighted to announce that the Croatian Kennel Club has been chosen to host in Zagreb the prestigious event World Dog […]
The WDPA board is thrilled to announce our seventh professional dog photo competition! Join us at the WDS in Croatia, where we’ll unveil the winners. We have amazing sponsors: Mrs. Constanza and Mr. Louis Ferraris-de Liedekerke, our main sponsors, and Birdbrook Rosettes, providing awards for all winners.
Each member may enter maximum four photos, one in each of the following categories:
The photos will be uploaded to the entry form below. A panel consisting of 3 judges will score the photos and the highest scoring photos in each category will be exhibited at the WDS.
Entry deadline is march 17th, 2024. Only members may enter the competition.
This system allows anyone to verify the authenticity of a membership number. This enhancement significantly bolsters the security of our press cards and increases their acceptance by organizations worldwide.
Event organizers can use the membership checker to verify your status as a WDPA member, establishing your credibility and facilitating the accreditation process.
We believe that this new approval system will greatly contribute to maintaining the integrity of our membership and further elevate our standing within the global dog press community.
The World Dog Press Association unites professional dog related content creators (journalists, editors and photographers) worldwide.
We share important and vital information for the everyday work of our members. We cooperate with show & event organizers to achieve a win-win situation for everyone.
If you are a content creator related to dog press, join us today!
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TEL 0032-16733055